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Casino Nova Scotia

Services Provided: We had the honour and privilege of working remotely as lead designer for Casino Nova Scotia for a number of years, producing thousands of pieces of work to promote their various restaurants, food and beverage events, seasonal events and music events, as well as in-house communications. Needless to say, they kept us VERY busy!


The materials ranged from event posters, various LCD screens, social media graphics, outdoor screens and print ads, to menus and sundry communication pieces needed on a daily basis. We devised a fail-proof system that ensured that all graphics were provided on time, on brand and on point. It’s been a lot of fun creating the graphics for some of the great local and international talent that we have loved through the years, with complete creative freedom to boot. Below are a few of our favourite projects.

“That’s Awesome! You rock!” Marianna Beynon, Creative Design Specialist

Budweiser Tournament February 2022 LCD Mockup.jpg
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